Integration Guide for Developers
This guide will help you integrate your application with the Osito Protocol. Whether you're building a DApp that needs to interact with Osito or a project looking to leverage Osito's lending features, this document provides the necessary steps and best practices.
Before integrating with Osito Protocol, ensure you have:
- Basic understanding of Ethereum/Berachain development
- Experience with Web3 libraries like ethers.js or web3.js
- Familiarity with smart contract interactions
- Understanding of ERC-20 token standards
Integration Options
There are three main ways to integrate with Osito Protocol:
1. Direct Smart Contract Interaction
For applications that need maximum flexibility and customization:
- Interact directly with Osito smart contracts
- Implement custom UI and business logic
- Handle all contract events and state changes yourself
2. Osito SDK
For applications that want simplified integration:
- Use our JavaScript/TypeScript SDK
- Simplified methods for all protocol interactions
- Built-in error handling and state management
- Types and documentation included
3. Subgraph Integration
For applications that need historical data and analytics:
- Query the Osito subgraph for protocol data
- Access historical transactions and protocol state
- Build custom analytics and visualizations
Setting Up the SDK
# Install the SDK
npm install @osito-protocol/sdk
# or with yarn
yarn add @osito-protocol/sdk
Basic initialization:
import { OsitoSDK } from '@osito-protocol/sdk';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
// Initialize with ethers provider (browser)
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
const signer = provider.getSigner();
// Create SDK instance
const ositoSDK = new OsitoSDK({
network: 'berachain', // or 'berachain-testnet'
// Check if SDK is ready
const isInitialized = await ositoSDK.isInitialized();
console.log(`SDK Initialized: ${isInitialized}`);
Common Integration Patterns
1. Check Token Eligibility
Before offering Osito Protocol functionality for a token, check if it's eligible:
const isEligible = await ositoSDK.isTokenEligible('0xTokenAddress');
if (isEligible) {
// Show Osito options in your UI
} else {
// Hide Osito options or show ineligibility message
2. Display Borrowing Capacity
Show users how much they can borrow against their tokens:
// Get token information
const tokenInfo = await ositoSDK.getTokenInfo('0xTokenAddress');
// Calculate borrowing capacity for user's tokens
const userTokenBalance = await ositoSDK.getTokenBalance('0xTokenAddress', userAddress);
const borrowCapacity = await ositoSDK.calculateBorrowCapacity('0xTokenAddress', userTokenBalance);
// Display in UI
console.log(`You can borrow up to ${ethers.utils.formatEther(borrowCapacity)} wBERA`);
3. Implement Borrowing Flow
Complete flow for a borrowing transaction:
// Step 1: Approve token transfer
const tokenAmount = ethers.utils.parseUnits('100', tokenDecimals);
await ositoSDK.approveToken('0xTokenAddress', tokenAmount);
// Step 2: Deposit collateral
await ositoSDK.depositCollateral('0xTokenAddress', tokenAmount);
// Step 3: Borrow wBERA
const borrowAmount = ethers.utils.parseEther('10'); // 10 wBERA
await ositoSDK.borrow('0xTokenAddress', borrowAmount);
// Step 4: Track transaction status
ositoSDK.on('TransactionStatus', (status) => {
console.log(`Transaction: ${status.type}, Status: ${status.status}`);
if (status.status === 'confirmed') {
// Update UI to show successful borrowing
4. Monitor Position Health
Keep users informed about their position health:
// Initial check
const position = await ositoSDK.getBorrowPosition(userAddress, '0xTokenAddress');
const healthFactor = position.healthFactor;
// Set up real-time monitoring
ositoSDK.on('PositionUpdate', (updatedPosition) => {
if (updatedPosition.healthFactor < 1.1) {
// Alert user about liquidation risk
5. Display Protocol Stats
Show protocol statistics in your application:
// Get global stats
const stats = await ositoSDK.getProtocolStats();
console.log(`Total Value Locked: ${stats.tvl} wBERA`);
console.log(`Total Borrowed: ${stats.totalBorrowed} wBERA`);
// Get token-specific stats
const tokenStats = await ositoSDK.getTokenStats('0xTokenAddress');
console.log(`Utilization Rate: ${tokenStats.utilizationRate}%`);
console.log(`Interest Rate: ${tokenStats.interestRate}%`);
Best Practices
- Always use async/await with try/catch blocks for handling contract interactions
- Implement proper error handling with user-friendly error messages
- Use event listeners to provide real-time updates on transaction status
- Include loading states for all blockchain interactions
- Implement confirmation steps for all transactions
- Provide estimated gas fees before transaction confirmation
- Track transaction hashes and provide links to block explorers
- Handle wallet connection states (connected, disconnected, wrong network)
Security Considerations
- Always verify contract addresses against official sources
- Implement proper input validation for all user inputs
- Never expose private keys in your client-side code
- Set reasonable slippage tolerances for transactions
- Implement rate limiting to prevent excessive API calls
- Add multisig or timelock for admin functions if building governance features
Testing Your Integration
We provide several environments for testing:
- Local Testing: Use Hardhat to deploy Osito Protocol locally
- Testnet: Interact with our Berachain testnet deployment
- Mainnet Fork: Test against a fork of the mainnet for realistic testing
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Transaction Reverted
- Check if token approvals are sufficient
- Verify the token is eligible for Osito
- Ensure borrowing capacity calculations are up-to-date
Incorrect Borrow Capacity
- Check if the token distribution has changed
- Verify the AMM pool data is current
- Ensure you're using the latest protocol parameters
SDK Initialization Issues
- Verify you're connected to the correct network
- Check if your provider has the necessary permissions
- Ensure contract addresses are correctly configured
Getting Help
If you encounter issues with integration:
- Check our SDK Reference Documentation
- Join our Developer Discord
- Open an issue on our GitHub repository
- Contact our developer relations team at
By following this guide, you should be able to successfully integrate your application with the Osito Protocol. Remember to test thoroughly and follow security best practices to provide a safe and reliable experience for your users.